Parents & Students


You are the Regional School Unit's most valuable resource.

Communicate with the teachers. Remember that the ultimate tool for education is in your hands, not the teacher's. That is the right to insist. Teachers can encourage, assist, support, and lead, but only parents have the right to insist.

How do I track progress on standards for grades 6-12?

Progress reports for grades 6-12 look a bit different from grades K-5. On this report, you will see an averaged aggregate of how a student is performing in a subject area instead of the more discreet skills, knowledge, and performance that were reported in K-5. We still track these skills, knowledge, and performance, but since these areas continue to expand and build on each other, we do not report out on them individually as students progress through the grade levels in middle and high school. Families and students, however, still have access to this information via Powerschool. Students are shown how to access their scores on standards as well as assignments, and families can access this information as well. Please contact the school if you need your child's Powerschool Login information.

Follow THESE POWERSCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS to see how students are progressing through skills. You are encouraged to contact teachers for rubrics or expectations of proficiency if you have questions.

If you do not have internet access at home, you are encouraged to request a PRINTED REPORT for any subject area in which you want to see assignment scores in order to see how your child in progressing. Please contact your child's teacher directly.


Ash Point Community School (APCS) - Grade PreK-5
Cushing Community School (CCS) - Grades K-5
South School (SS) - Grades PreK-5
Thomaston Grammar School (TGS) - Grades K-5
Oceanside Middle School (OMS) - Grades 6-8
Oceanside High School (OHS) - Grades 9-12

Students attending Oceanside High School, that live in a Thomaston walk zone, will be bussed.
Please allow 5 minutes on either side of pick-up or drop-off times.
OHS and OMS begin at 7:30am and dismiss at 2:00pm
All Elementary Schools begin at 8:30am and dismiss at 3:00pm

Please click here to see the bus routes. If you have any questions, please call the Bus Garage at 593-9066.